State of AI at the beginning of 2021 with AI Grants

free ai grants

Artificial Intelligence is the best game changer that mankind could ever know. While renting a GPU for AI purposes can be very expensive, there are, however, some free AI Grants you can totally benefit from. Companies like Google, AWS and Auxilio offer free GPU services for a period of time, long enough for you to figure out how to use their servers and see whether you like their product or not. Who knows, maybe your next AI project will be the one that saves the world.

AWS AI Grants

ai grants aws

AWS offers grants for US companies that want to develop their AI base and want to bring a positive change, impact upon the world. Therefore, in order to be sponsored by AWS, you have to have a valid and legit cause. There are lots of companies that try to get the free subscription. We’re not saying that it’s impossible to get one, we’re just saying that it’s hard to do so. The preselections close very early and they reserve the right to give you as much as they consider. AWS GPU is a pretty popular choice among AI lovers. However, they are a little bit too pricey after the “trial” expires.

Even though this sounds tempting and totally awesome, you shouldn’t settle for applying to only one company. That’s when Google comes in handy.

Google Colab

ai grants google

Google Colab offers a free month subscription, so that you can test their platform. It’s awesome that you can cancel it anytime and they have really powerful GPU servers. GPUs like Tesla V100, P40 etc. are being given to you by Google for free. Moreover, you only pay for what you are using. 

Nevertheless, when the subscription ends, their prices will seem a little too high for your budget, especially if you are an NGO. So the search continues…


Powered by Microsoft, Azure is one company that really cares about the wellbeing of humanity. That’s why they support your cause with GPU grants for AI purposes. When it comes to Earth, they aren’t playing around. Instead, they offer grants for researchers, which can help predict what will happen with the environment. Moreover, they’re implied in agriculture, too, so people who work in this sector can benefit from this type of grants, too.

Another use of Earth Grants from Azure could be regarding the biodiversity and water. Overall, all of these sectors are important, especially because of the pollution and because of the growth of population.



As Auxilio wants to hear about your cause and support it, we’ve made a free GPU AI Grants program for the ones who have a legit cause and want to help others. May you be an individual or an NGO, Auxilio is definitely a choice worth considering. What will you be getting?

You will receive the Q.4x large package for free if we consider that you have a valid cause. You can use it for HPC, AI or even Rendering projects. This is perfect for small and medium projects. However, our GPU servers can keep up with any type of project. By choosing Auxilio, you choose quality over quantity. All that you have to do is to apply here: .

AI for NGOs gives grants to support the projects which use this technology to support the way in which the NGOs work for a higher cause.

To sum up

In conclusion, artificial intelligence has brought the biggest change in this world. Big companies like Google and Facebook are using it in order to improve their services. The truth is that the world needs AI more than ever. That’s why we’ve decided to give an equal chance to individuals and NGOs that want to make a difference. Get started now by applying to our AI Grants.

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